Pictures of Bulgaria


Krapets Glacier on Danco Coast, Antarctica is named after the village.


Krapets is a small seaside village, located 10 km north of Shabla, about 90 km from the nearest airport of Varna at the end of an access road that hugs the Black Sea coast. It is a quiet place known for its dunes and bird life. The village is perched on the beach, surrounded by vast wheat fields and wild nature reserves. The area of Krapec is a low plateau, slightly elevated and inclined towards the sea. The Black sea coast is low, combination of ochre cliff sections and beach strips with sand dunes.

The area can boast for its rich history. To start with, the Kibela Temple, which is the oldest prehistoric necropolis in continental Europe for its remarkable age of 2500 years, was discovered during excavations in the nearby island in the Dourankulak Lake. Besides, the stone settlement found by archeologists near the temple is believed to be no less than 8,000 years of age. The Eneolithic settlement is considered by its discoverer, Dr Dimov, to have existed from 5400 to 4100 BC. Excavations have also come across other remains of historical value dating back to various periods, which are exhibited in the Historical Museum.




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